Hunter Mountain in Winter


Bidding Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Hunter will accept sealed bids for: Hunter Branch Rail Trail over the Clove Creek Pedestrian Truss Fabrication, Town of Hunter, Greene County, New York. This will serve as the formal project description for all project correspondence. The Owner and contracting authority is the Town of Hunter, and the contract will be awarded based upon the lowest qualified bid.

The project consists of fabricating and delivering a 90 ft. pedestrian truss with a 5’-0” (minimum) clear width. This project will have no involvement with NYSDOT; however, the truss shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with NYSDOT and AASHTO Standards. The Town will rely on the successful fabricator’s internal QC/QA policies and procedures to ensure fabricated units are in accordance with NYSDOT specifications and the approved shop drawings. Delivery of the truss is anticipated to be in July 2022 and the shop drawing shall be submitted no later than January 7, 2022. The DBE goal for this project is: 0.0% and there are no M/WBE goals for this project.

Bid documents may be obtained on or after Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at no cost from the following website: or by requesting documents by emailing Creighton Manning Engineering. Questions regarding the Contract Documents should be directed to Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP either through email at: or by telephone at 518-689-1829. Bidders shall promptly notify John Geisler of any errors, omissions, conflicts or ambiguity within the Contract Documents within 4 days of bid opening.

Contract will be awarded based upon the lowest qualified bid who complies with the project bid documents. Bids to be considered must be received in a sealed envelope at the Town of Hunter at the Clerk’s Office by 11:00 AM, local time, on November 23, 2021 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the above noted time will not be accepted. All sealed envelopes should be clearly labeled “Hunter Branch Rail Trail over the Clove Creek Pedestrian Truss Fabrication.”

The Town of Hunter reserves the right to consider the bids for fifteen (45) days after receipt before awarding any Contract, and to waive any informalities in, and to reject, any and all bids or to accept the one that in its judgment will be for the best interest of the Town. All bids are subject to final review and approval by the Town of Hunter Supervisor before any award of contract may be made. Receipt of bids by the Town shall not be construed as authority to bind the Town.

Owners Contact

Michelle Yost

GCSWCD Watershed Assistance Program Email:

Ph: (518) 589-6871

Engineer’s Contact

John Geisler, P.E

Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP Email:

Ph: (518) 689-1823

2021-11-01T13:20:12-04:00November 1, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

November Workshop Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter shall hold their November Workshop Meeting on November 16, 2021, at 6PM. All Town Board meetings for December shall be combined and will be held on December 28, 2021.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

2021-10-20T15:59:54-04:00October 20, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|


Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Hunter for fiscal year beginning January 1, 2022 has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk at the Town Hall, 5748 Rte 23A Tannersville where it is available for inspection by any interested party between the hours of 8am and 2pm Mon. – Fri.

Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Hunter will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a Public Hearing thereon at the Town Hall at   5pm on October 26, 2021 and at such hearing, any persons may be heard in favor or against any items contained therein.

A workshop will immediately follow the hearing.

Pursuant to Section 113 of Town Law the proposed salaries of the following Town Officers are hereby specified as follows:

Supervisor                    $  6,300. yr

Justices (2)                   $  13,128. each

Councilpersons(4)        $  3,800. each

Supt. of Highways        $ 56,880. yr

Pursuant to Real Property Tax Law Section 495, exemption report available upon request.

By order of the Town Board,

lhp Budget Officer

2021-10-20T12:42:06-04:00October 20, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Budget Workshop

The Town of Hunter Board will conduct a workshop to discuss the 2022 Budget on Tuesday Oct. 12, 2019 at 5:00 PM at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte 23A. All are welcome.

Pursuant to Chapter 258, Section 495 of Real Property Tax Law, a copy of an exemption report is available upon request.

By Order of the Town Board,
Lhp Budget Officer

2021-10-07T17:28:27-04:00October 7, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Tannersville Joint Fire District – Budget Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of the Tannersville Joint Fire District will hold a Budget Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM at the Tannersville Rescue Squad Building, 21 Park Lane, Tannersville, NY 12485. The purpose of this budget hearing is for discussion by and with the public regarding the Tannersville Joint Fire District 2022 preliminary budget. The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Tannersville Joint Fire District will immediately follow.

By Order Of The Commissioners

Susan Graham, Secretary-Treasurer

October 3, 2021

2021-10-13T11:26:58-04:00October 6, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Public Health Information, Town News|

Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter shall hold a Public Hearing on a Scrap Facility Renewal Application for Haines Falls Auto Service & Sales Inc. on October 12, 2021, at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte.23A in Tannersville, NY.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

2021-09-22T16:10:16-04:00September 22, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|
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