Hunter Mountain in Winter


Greene County Broadband Survey

Greene County has initiated a broadband and cellular communications project to identify households and businesses without access to fiber or coaxial broadband service,  formulate a technical solution and estimate cost to providing service. In the broadband survey (pertinent to homes and businesses both with and without access) respondents enter an address, indicate whether it is for a home or business, then proceed to answer questions designed to collect information on demand for services unique to their location.

Please complete the on-line survey  at:

Residents who do not have internet at home, can take the survey at a connected location (such as a public library) by entering their home address. The survey is also accessible via any mobile device. Residents may also request paper copies of the survey by calling 518-719-3270 or sending an email to

Survey responses will be collected through August 31, 2021.

2021-06-06T08:54:23-04:00June 6, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Seeking Part Time Office Assistant

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter is seeking resumes for a Part -Time position as Office Assistant for the Highway Dept. The rate for this position is $14/hour with retirement benefits. Computer experience including Microsoft Office, filing and organizational skills required. Please submit your resume to the Town Clerk by 3:00 PM, Monday, June 7, 2021 via USPS, drop box located at the Town Hall or email to

The Town of Hunter is an equal opportunity employer and administers all personnel practices without regard to race, color, religious creed, sex, gender, age, ancestry, national origin, mental or physical disability or medical condition, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, military or veteran status, genetic information, or any other category protected under federal, state, or local law. Visit for further details.

By Order of the Highway Superintendent

John Farrell

2021-05-27T14:51:30-04:00May 27, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Special Notice – Seasonal Road Closure Update

Platte Clove Mountain road, located in the Town of Hunter, between County Rte 16 and West Saugerties, will remain closed for repairs until  May 25, 2021.  The town is awaiting the delivery of guardrails that will finalize the project.

Thank you for your patience,

Town of Hunter

Highway Superintendent


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have designated Elka Park Road (Roaringkill Section) Town of Hunter as a seasonal limited use highway. Please be advised that the Town of Hunter shall not maintain nor remove snow or ice from said length of road between November 1, 2020 and April 15, 2021. Scheduled reopening will be weather permitting.

By Order of the Highway Superintendent

Town of Hunter

John G. Farrell

2021-05-19T10:17:33-04:00May 18, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Police Community Relations Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter shall hold a special Police Community Relations meeting on June 3, 2021 at 6PM at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte. 23A in Tannersville, NY.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

2021-05-11T16:05:00-04:00May 11, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Special Meeting Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter shall hold a Special Meeting – Executive Session- at 6PM at the Town Hall on Thursday, May 6, 2021to discuss employment matters. Contact the Town Hall for Zoom information.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

2021-04-29T17:07:31-04:00April 29, 2021|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|
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