Hunter Mountain in Winter



“Earlier today, the Department of Labor started proactively calling every New Yorker who had submitted a partially complete application for Unemployment Insurance.

“Like many across the Empire State, the majority of our staff are working from home, and New Yorkers may see an incoming caller ID that lists ‘PRIVATE CALLER.’ I want to encourage New Yorkers to answer these calls so we can complete your application and connect you with the benefits you deserve. To prevent fraud, anyone calling from the Department of Labor will verify their identity by providing the date you filed your Unemployment Insurance application and the type of claim you filed.”

“We are dedicating every resource available to increasing our capacity, processing claims, and helping New Yorkers weather this storm.”

2020-04-11T22:08:52-04:00April 11, 2020|Coronavirus, Events, Public Announcements, Public Health Information, Town News|

Town Hall closed until further notice

The Town of Hunter Town Hall will be closed as on Noon today, March 20, 2020 until further notice.

Certain departments will be working remotely to check their voicemails.

Department extension are:



SUPERVISORS SECRETARY                                 300

COURT/TICKETS                                                  306


PLANNING BOARD                                             308

ASSESSOR                                                           309

HIGHWAY DEPT                                                 310

TOWN CLERK/TAX COLLECTOR                       311

SUPERVISOR                                                       312

2020-03-20T09:46:39-04:00March 20, 2020|Coronavirus, Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Seasonal Road Closures

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have designated the easterly two and one half miles of Town of Hunter Route 9, known as Platte Clove Mountain Road, as a seasonal limited use highway. Please be advised that the Town of Hunter shall not maintain nor remove snow or ice from said length of road between November 1, 2019 and April 15, 2020.

By Order of the Highway Superintendent

Town of Hunter

John G. Farrell

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have designated Elka Park Road (Roaringkill Section) Town of Hunter as a seasonal limited use highway. Please be advised that the Town of Hunter shall not maintain nor remove snow or ice from said length of road between November 1, 2019 and April 15, 2020.

By Order of the Highway Superintendent

Town of Hunter

John G. Farrell

2019-11-19T16:19:23-05:00November 19, 2019|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

7th Annual Holiday Senior Citizen Dinner

For Town of Hunter Residents 60 yrs. and older
Sponsored by the Town of Hunter Board Members with assistance from local volunteers

December 8th, 2019
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Van Winkles at the Kaatskill Mountain Club

Ham & Turkey Buffet Dinner ~ Reservations requested
Please R.S.V.P. by Friday Dec. 6th, 2019
call (518) 589-6151 ext. 312
If you are unable to attend but would still like a dinner there is a limited number available for DELIVERY, please specify when calling to RSVP.

2019-11-13T12:47:11-05:00November 13, 2019|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Public Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Town Board of the Town of Hunter will combine the two Regular Town Board meetings for December into one Year End Meeting to be held on Monday, December 30, 2019 at 6PM at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte. 23A in Tannersville.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

2019-11-13T12:33:17-05:00November 13, 2019|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|
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