Hunter Mountain in Winter


Budget Workshop – October 10th

The Town of Hunter will hold a 2019 Budget workshop on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at 6 PM at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte 23A in Tannersville,NY
All those interested are welcome.

Pursuant to Chapter 258, Section 495 of Real Property Tax Law, a copy of an exemption report is available upon request.

By Order of the Town Board.
LHP, Budget Officer

2018-09-27T12:22:27-04:00September 27, 2018|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Public Hearing -Budget

The Town of Hunter Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday Sept. 26, 2018 at 6 PM at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte 23A for the proposed
2019 budgetary amounts to be raised by tax for:
Fire Protection District #2 (Hunter) & Fire Protection District #3 (Lanesville).

Immediately following the hearing there will be a 2019 Budget workshop. Pursuant to Chapter 258, Section 495 of Real Property Tax Law, a copy of an exemption report is available upon request.
By Order of the Town Board, L. Hamrah-Poladian, Budget Officer

2018-09-20T13:49:26-04:00September 20, 2018|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Special Meeting – Solar

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Hunter will hold a Special Meeting to discuss a solar project on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 6PM at the Hunter Town Hall located at 5748 Rte. 23A in Tannersville.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

2018-09-20T12:49:02-04:00September 10, 2018|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Town of Hunter Draft Comprehensive Plan is Complete and Ready for Public Input

The Town of Hunter Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will hold a public hearing on September 25th, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the Mountaintop Library in Tannersville to hear comments on the Towns draft comprehensive plan.  All are encouraged to review the plan and offer comments to the committee.  To see the full plan visit the Mountaintop Library Public Library, the Town office or download the plan at

In early 2017, the Town Board appointed a Steering Committee with the goal of updating an earlier version of a Town comprehensive Plan and to create a new document that will guide the community for the next decade. The plan was developed by the committee with active community participation/input throughout.   Public input to the Plan came from a well-attended public workshop, a town-wide survey that had over 340 participants from all parts of the Town, including villages, and from focus groups, and monthly meetings.

The Plan details what current conditions in Town are, identifies issues of importance to the Hunter community, establishes a long-term direction for the Town and recommends a series of actions and strategies Hunter can take over time. A series of maps and a collection of information about the Town are also included in the Plan.

The plan offers goals objectives and recommendations on seven topics that include economic vibrancy; infrastructure/transportation; protection of the natural environment; quality/affordable housing opportunities; community character/aesthetic appeal; enhancement of cultural, educational historical and recreational opportunities; and government/community services.

The Plan offers a diversity of recommended strategies. These range from capital improvement projects, programs, and regulatory initiatives. It addresses important topics such as (but not limited to):

  • Increasing coordination and collaboration among governments and organizations in Hunter;
  • Promoting and marketing assets in the Town to encourage more economic development;
  • Seeking more grant funding to aid in new programs;
  • Developing committees and an organizational structure to effectively carry out recommended programs; enhancement of existing land use regulations or enactment of additional ones that will allow for new growth and economic development while balancing the need to protect the environment and community character; addressing parking and traffic issues along Route 23A;
  • Initiating programs that can improve the availability and affordability of housing for all;
  • Initiating new programs to highlight and protect the historic resources in the town;
  • Establishing a recreation program and plan to increase year-round recreational and cultural opportunities; and
  • Promoting communication with residents and collaboration with the Villages of Hunter and Tannersville.

All are encouraged to read the plan and come to the public hearing on September 25th at 6:00 PM at the Mountaintop Library to offer your comments on the Draft to the Steering Committee.  Written comments will be accepted until October 1, 2018 at either or by mailing to Town of Hunter, Town Hall, P.O. Box 70, Tannersville, New York  12485.

After the hearing, the Committee will determine if any changes need to be made to the draft, and when finished, will submit the plan for consideration by the Town Board, hopefully by the end of October.

2018-08-29T13:14:47-04:00August 29, 2018|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Hunter Youth Commission

In January 2018, a small group of community members met at the Mountain Top Library. Mr. Nate Jones, a community member discussed a vision to establish a non for profit youth forum on the mountain top. He elaborated on the need to provide additional physical activities for the school age students, such as, but not limited to: soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming lessons, youth sport camps, skiing/snowboarding etc.

At the closure of the meeting, the group in attendance decided that we need to construct a steering committee. The steering committee of approximately 8-12 community members would begin the processes of establishing a youth commission. We are looking for dedicated community members who are team oriented to help this process.

* The steering committee is not the actual Youth Commission. The steering committee would complete all the legwork/logistics to make this happen.

If you are interested, please contact Nate Jones via email at All who are interested will be asked to fill out an application. If selected: a background check via Greene County Sheriff’s office will take place.

Thank you!


2018-04-03T23:53:47-04:00April 3, 2018|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|
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