Hunter Mountain in Winter


Winter Weather Advisory – March 13th

As you probably know we are expecting a long duration weather event beginning tonight through Wednesday. We are expecting over 2 feet of heavy wet snow coupled with high winds in the Town of Hunter, Mountaintop area.

I just attended a conference call with representatives from Central Hudson and a follow up call with Greene County emergency operations in prepartion for this event. Central Hudson says they are staging 100’s of additional personnel to their service area and that they do anticipate this event having the potential to impact 10’s of thousands of people. Greene County also has preparations underway to implement emergency operations protocols and we will be staying in close contact with them.

We at the Town of Hunter will have our Highway personnel out plowing, and our ambulance, police and fire companies prepared for this event.

In general, we ask that people prepare today, to stay off the roads tomorrow.
We need all of our resources focused on the non avoidable weather event, and not having to deal with avoidable issues.

• Pay attention to weather advisories, storm outage updates and/or shelter information.
• Charge your electronic devices.
• Keep handy flashlights and fresh batteries;
• Obtain packaged or canned foods that require no refrigeration or cooking;
• PAvoid opening a refrigerator unnecessarily during outages, so that food lasts longer, an unopened refrigerator can keep food fresh for 24 hours;
Have a non-electric can opener;
• Keep an emergency supply of bottled water on hand for drinking and washing; and
• Fill bathtubs with water as added reserves.
• If you have a generator, make sure you have enough fuel on hand and that if you need to use it, that it is operated outdoors in a well ventilated area.

Stay tuned to the Town website and this page for any further advisories.

National Weather Service Weather Advisory

thank you,

Sean Mahoney
Town Supervisor

2023-03-13T10:40:56-04:00March 13, 2023|Events, Public Announcements, Public Health Information, Town News|

Joint Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter will hold a joint meeting with the Village of Hunter Board of Trustees on February 28, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte. 23A in Tannersville, NY, to discuss an annexation petition for SBL 164.58-6-4 , Scribners Catskill Lodge LLC and SBL 164.58-6-5 Whistle Tree Development Corp.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

2023-02-22T10:27:33-05:00February 22, 2023|Events, Town News|

Public Hearings – Planning Board

Hunter Foods LLC

A public hearing is scheduled for the next regular meeting of the Town of Hunter Planning Board on March 7, 2023 at 6:30PM at the Town of Hunter Offices located at 7955 Main Street, Tannersville, MY 12485 or via zoom link available by request or by video conference at 227 East Meadow Mile 13B-13, Fraser, CO 80442.

The public hearing under parcel #164.00-3-23.0 and #164.00-3-22.2 located at 7267 Route 23A in Hunter is under a Site Plan Review to expand the outdoor dining area, parking and retail space of the business using the vacant property adjacent to the existing building.  The Planning Board routinely notifies adjoining neighbors and conducts a public hearing in accordance with the Town of Hunter Site Plan Law. Any concerns or comments regarding this proposal may be addressed at that time, or you may submit them in writing to Town of Hunter Planning Board – PO Box 70 Tannersville NY 12485. Should you have any questions, please contact 518-589-6151 X304.


A public hearing is scheduled for the next regular meeting of the Town of Hunter Planning Board on March 7, 2023 at 6:30PM at the Town of Hunter Offices located at 7955 Main Street, Tannersville, MY 12485 or via zoom link available by request or by video conference at 227 East Meadow Mile 13B-13, Fraser, CO 80442.

The public hearing under parcel #s 167.17-1-1,18 located at 52 North Lake Road Haines Falls is under a Site Plan Review to locate office and community gathering space in the existing building. The Planning Board routinely notifies adjoining  neighbors and conducts a public hearing in accordance with the Town of Hunter Site Plan Law. Any concerns or comments regarding this proposal may be addressed at that time, or you may submit them in writing to Town of Hunter Planning Board  PO Box 70 Tannersville NY 12485. Should you have any questions, please contact 518-589-6151 X304.

Whistletree Water Corp

A public hearing is scheduled for the next regular meeting of the Town of Hunter Planning Board on March 7, 2023 at 6:30PM at the Town of Hunter Offices located at 7955 Main Street, Tannersville, MY 12485 or via zoom link available by request or by video conference at 227 East Meadow Mile 13B-13, Fraser, CO 80442.  The public hearing under parcel #164.00-2-56 located off Scribner Hollow Rd in Hunter is under site plan review  for the construction of a water storage tank and a structure for housing water treatment equipment.  The Planning Board routinely notifies adjoining neighbors and conducts a public hearing in accordance with the Town of Hunter Site Plan Law. Any concerns or comments regarding proposal may be addressed at that time, or you may submit them in writing to Town of Hunter Planning Board  PO Box 70 Tannersville NY 12485. Should you have any  questions,  please contact 518-589-6151 X304

2023-02-16T10:23:18-05:00February 16, 2023|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Seeking Members – Comprehensive Plan Committee

The Town of Hunter is seeking members of the community to serve on the Town of Hunter Comprehensive Plan Committee. The committee will be tasked with reviewing the existing Comprehensive Plan and making suggestions for changes and updates to the Town Board.

The committee will meet once a month at a to be determined time and date. Please submit a letter describing intent and why you would like to serve on this committee to the Town Board by March 28, 2023, via email to or via mail to PO Box 70, Tannersville, NY 12485.

2023-02-15T13:27:15-05:00February 15, 2023|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Public Hearing – Draft Regulations Pertaining to Short-Term Rentals

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter will hold a Public Hearing on a draft Local Law Providing for Regulations Pertaining to Short-Term Rentals on March 28, 2023, at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte. 23A in Tannersville, NY.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

View the DRAFT Local Law Providing for Regulations Pertaining to Short-Term Rentals

2023-02-16T07:34:26-05:00February 15, 2023|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Public Hearing – Volunteer Firefighter Real Property Tax Exemption

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter shall hold a Public Hearing at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at the Town Hall located at 5748 Rte. 23A in Tannersville, NY, for proposed Local Law #2 of 2023 Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers Real Property Tax Exemption with a special meeting on same to immediately follow public hearing.

By Order of the Town Board

Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk

2023-02-15T09:40:09-05:00February 15, 2023|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|
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