Hunter Mountain in Winter


Request for Proposals – Town wide Reassessment Project




DUE NOVEMBER 30, 2022 BY 4:00PM

The Town of Hunter is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide professional assessment support and valuation services as part of a town-wide reassessment project for the Town of Hunter (including both the Villages of Hunter and Tannersville) to be completed for the 2024 roll year.

The Town of Hunter has approximately 4,336 parcels including 2,166 residential parcels, 1,418 vacant land parcels, zero farm parcels, with the balance of 752 commercial parcels.

The Town conducted a town-wide reassessment project in 1995. The current equalization rate is 37.11%.

The Town is interested in hiring a professional appraisal and consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive reassessment project including data verification, valuation, field review, public relations and all management of the project.

Proposals must be submitted by November 30, 2022 no later than 4:00 P.M. to Town of Hunter, Attn: Town Clerk, 5748 Route 23A, Tannersville, NY 12485.

Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Proposals submitted shall be clearly identified on the outside of the envelope with the Name of Project and the Company submitting the proposal.

Download the full request for proposals here. Copies of specifications and conditions may also be obtained at the above address. The Town of Hunter reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and will award to the respondent deemed to best serve the needs of the Town and to waive any informalities or defects in such proposals before or after opening.

In addition, the Town of Hunter is requesting as an option, and as a separate quote, a proposal for maintaining the values on a three (3) to four (4) year cycle in accordance with the NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services guidelines for “Cyclical Reassessments”.

Town of Hunter, New York

2022-10-27T10:38:50-04:00October 26, 2022|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Seasonal Road Updates

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have designated the easterly two- and one-half miles of Town of Hunter Route 9, known as Platte Clove Mountain Road, as a seasonal limited use highway. Please be advised that the Town of Hunter shall not maintain nor remove snow or ice from said length of road between November 1, 2022, and April 15, 2023. Scheduled reopening will be weather permitting.

By Order of the Highway Superintendent

Town of Hunter

John G. Farrell

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have designated Elka Park Road (Roaringkill Section) Town of Hunter as a seasonal limited use highway. Please be advised that the Town of Hunter shall not maintain nor remove snow or ice from said length of road between November 1, 2022, and April 15, 2023. Scheduled reopening will be weather permitting.

By Order of the Highway Superintendent

Town of Hunter

John G. Farrell

2022-10-26T16:53:19-04:00October 26, 2022|Events, Town News|

Public Hearing – October 4th.

A Public Hearing is scheduled for the next regular meeting of the Town of Hunter Planning Board on Tuesday October 4th, 2022 at the Town Hall in Tannersville NY at 6:30pm. The parcel under Site Plan Amendment #183.05-1-9 located at 5191 Route 23A in Haines Falls NY. The Planning Board routinely notifies all adjoining neighbors and conducts a public hearing in accordance with the Town of Hunter Site Plan Law. Any concerns or comments regarding this proposal may be addressed at that time, or you may submit them in writing to the above address prior to the date set. Should you have any questions, please contact the number above.

Planning Board Secretary

Planning Board Chairperson

2022-09-23T08:44:05-04:00September 23, 2022|Events, Public Announcements, Town News|

Budget Workshop

The Town of Hunter Town Board will conduct a workshop on the 2023 Town Budget on Sept 29, 2022 at 7pm.

The Town Hall is located at 5748 Rte 23A in Tannersville. All are welcome to attend.

Pursuant to Chapter 258, Section 495 of Real Property Tax Law, a copy of an exemption report is available upon request.

By Order of the Town Board

Lhp, Budget Officer

2022-09-15T12:47:04-04:00September 15, 2022|Events, Town News|


Update: 11:00am September 5th. As of 12:00pm today, September 5th; The local state of emergency and burn ban in the Town of Hunter will expire and will NOT be renewed. We are very thankful for the rain that has fallen and is forecasted to continue. I would also like to thank all of our residents and visitors for your ongoing cooperation and understanding during this time.


Update 3:00pm August 31st. This burn ban is applicable to any outdoor fire / flame in the Town of Hunter including ALL issued DEC permits for burning and any outdoor campfires, fire pits, fireplaces, brush fires. Please do not burn anything outdoors at this time.



WHEREAS, the Town of Hunter Supervisor hereby finds that circumstances present within the Town of Hunter create a public safety hazard that would be exacerbated by outdoor burning; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Hunter Supervisor heretofore has declared a State of Emergency effective August 31, 2022 at 12:00 p.m., declaring that a state of emergency exists throughout the Town of Hunter due to severe drought conditions and the threat of wildfires caused by outdoor burning, and its imminent threat to the health and welfare of Town of Hunter citizens; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Order, in accordance with Section 24 of the New York State Executive Law, authorizes political subdivisions to take whatever prudent action that is necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the community; and

WHEREAS, Section 24 of the New York State Executive Law authorizes political subdivisions to take all necessary action and issue any necessary orders to protect human life; and

NOW, THEREFORE, it is ORDERED that outdoor burning is prohibited in all of the Town of Hunter as follows:

  1. Actions prohibited:
  2. A person violates this order if he/she burns any combustible material in an outdoor area.
  3. A person violates this order if he/she engages in any outdoor activity which could allow flames or sparks that could result in a fire.
  4. Enforcement:
  5. Upon notification of suspected outdoor burning the local volunteer fire companies shall respond to the scene and take immediate measures to contain and/or extinguish the fire.
  6. As soon as possible, the Town of Hunter Police Department or other law enforcement agencies shall respond to the scene to investigate the nature of the fire.  The law enforcement officers shall request immediate compliance with this order.
  7. This order does not apply to the following outdoor burning activities:
  8. Firefighting training
  9. Burn operations approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

All outdoor burning of yard trash, household paper products, bonfires, campfires, warming fires, outdoor fire places, chimneys, and cooking fires within said jurisdictions is prohibited unless: 1) authorized by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; 2) for cooking of food exclusively within a contained gas or charcoal grill.

The setting of fires to any grass, brush or forest covered land, unless authorized by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, shall constitute a violation of the law.

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that the purpose of this order is the mitigation of the public safety hazard posed by wildfires during the current dry weather conditions and the limited first responders and human resources to combat potential fires during COVID-19 pandemic by curtailing the practice of outdoor burning, accordingly, this order shall expire five (5) days from the date of this Order and Declaration.

Done and ordered this 31st day of August, 2022.

Hon. Sean Mahoney, Town Supervisor

2022-09-05T11:10:19-04:00August 31, 2022|Events, Public Announcements, Public Health Information, Town News|
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