Meeting Cancelled
The Hunter Town Board has cancelled the Workshop meeting scheduled for May 24, 2022 as it conflicts with Grievance Day.
The Hunter Town Board has cancelled the Workshop meeting scheduled for May 24, 2022 as it conflicts with Grievance Day.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Town Board of the Town of Hunter and the Board of Trustees of The Village of Hunter will hold a joint Public Hearing at 6:30PM on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at the Hunter Town Hall, 5748 Route 23A, Tannersville, New York, to hear public comment on the matter of the Petition filed by 7776 Hunter Realty, LLC and The Paul E. Slutzky Trust regarding the proposed annexation of certain lands into The Village of Hunter identified as Parcel Numbers 164.00-5-2.21, 164.00-5-2.22 and 164.00-5-5.1.
Corina Pascucci
Town Clerk, RMC
April 28, 2022
Due to weather related delays, the Platte Clove Mountain road in the Town of Hunter, also known as the back mountain, will remain closed until April 29, 2022. The approximate time to re-open the on the 29th is 3pm.
Thank you for your patience!
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have designated the easterly two- and one-half miles of Town of Hunter Route 9, known as Platte Clove Mountain Road, as a seasonal limited use highway. Please be advised that the Town of Hunter shall not maintain nor remove snow or ice from said length of road between November 1, 2021, and April 22, 2022. Scheduled reopening will be weather permitting.
By Order of the Highway Superintendent
Town of Hunter
John G. Farrell
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have designated Elka Park Road (Roaringkill Section) Town of Hunter as a seasonal limited use highway. Please be advised that the Town of Hunter shall not maintain nor remove snow or ice from said length of road between November 1, 2021, and April 15, 2022. Scheduled reopening will be weather permitting.
By Order of the Highway Superintendent
Town of Hunter
John G. Farrell
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter will hold a Police Community Engagement meeting on January 25, 2022, at 5:30 PM at the Town Hall located on Rte. 23A in Tannersville, NY.
By Order of the Town Board
Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter has rescheduled the Public Hearings for proposed local laws: Subdivision and Marijuana sales to 12/13/21 at 6:00 and 6:15 PM. Meeting shall be held at the Town Hall located on Rte. 23A in Tannersville, NY.
By Order of the Town Board
Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Town Board of the Town of Hunter shall hold a Public Hearing on proposed Local Law #3 of 2021 – Amending Subdivision Regulations to provide for the setting of fees by Resolution of the Town Board on December 14, 2021, at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall located on Rte. 23A in Tannersville, NY.
By Order of the Town Board
Corina Pascucci, Town Clerk