
26 Jun    
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Town Hall
5748 Route 23A, Tannersville, New York, 12485

Event Type

Please register and attend this important public meeting on June 26th at 5pm, regarding the Kaaterskill Clove Visitor Use Management Framework.

The virtual public meeting on the Kaaterskill Clove VUM is scheduled June 26 from 5 to 8 p.m. Those interested in participating must register to attend.

During the virtual meetings, the project team will provide an overview of the VUM projects currently underway, including their purpose, expected outcomes, and how DEC will use the outcomes. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, share ideas for potential management strategies and actions that could potentially close the gap between existing and desired conditions.

Both meetingswill be facilitated by DEC’s Visitor Use Management planning contractors Otak, Inc. Otak’s team will facilitate inclusive and transparent collaboration between DEC and stakeholders and to deliver data-driven insights to help inform and develop visitor capacities, adaptive visitor use management strategies, and long-term monitoring plans. The Catskill and High Peaks VUM projects are funded by the State’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF).

For additional information, visit the Kaaterskill Clove project website or contact Otak’s public participation team at vum-facilitators@rossstrategic.com.
