
20 Sep    
10:00 am


Town Hall
5748 Route 23A, Tannersville, New York, 12485

Event Type


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the Town of Hunter has received an application from NYS Mesonet / The Research Foundation of SUNY. The applicant is requesting a 100’Mesonet weather station at the terminus of Gillespie Road, Haines Falls; tax id# 182.00-3-27, the lands of NYC DEP. The Town Planning Board has authorized Pyramid Network Services LLC to conduct a balloon test to assess the visual impact of the proposed tower on the community.

The test will be conducted on Tues. Sept. 20th, 2016 from 10am – 2pm (inclement weather date Thurs. Sept. 22, 2016 same time).
The team will have (3) three, 3ft. balloons:
Red balloon at tower height of 100 feet
Yellow balloon at 150 feet for location
Orange balloon at 60 feet for tree line

The applicants and Planning Board encourage viewers not try and go to the proposed location to avoid any potential safety issues. Application materials are on file in the office of the Town of Hunter Planning Board and may be viewed by appointment. Pyramid Network Services LLC is hosting a website with the results of the visual test, the link can be found here: https://tannersvilleweatherstation.com/