Dear Community Leader/Elected Official:
Heading into each winter season, the New York State Department of Public Service (DPS) prepares an outreach and education campaign designed to help consumers manage their energy bills while staying warm and safe during the cold weather months. While the last two years have seen increases in energy supply market prices this year’s forecasts indicates that prices will remain the same or possibly decrease from previous years.
Regardless of price forecasts, many vulnerable New Yorkers may face the challenge of managing monthly energy bills as energy use can often be higher clµring heating months and. other household affordability challenges remain in place. With your help, consumers will be informed of steps they can take and the programs they can participate in to reduce their energy use and help control bills this winter.
I am requesting your assistance to promote our winter preparedness outreach and education messages and materials. We encourage consumers to take simple, low-cost energy savings measures to reduce energy use and to consider bill payment options and financial assistance programs to help manage energy costs.
Our campaign includes:
- A webpage dedicated to winter preparedness information can be found at This page has information on controlling heating costs, consumer protections, energy efficiency and winter safety, as well as links to state and utility financial assistance programs. Enclosed is a flyer with a QR code that leads to our winter webpage. Please help our campaign by posting the flyer and encouraging consumers to visit our website.
- Virtual “one-stop shopping” workshops for community leaders and elected officials are scheduled for November 16, 2023, and January 11, 2024. The virtual workshops will showcase the resources and programs that are available to help your constituents this winter season. The workshop includes presentations from New York State agencies regarding financial assistance and energy affordability program, weatherization assistance, energy efficiency, and services for older adults. Enclosed is log in information for the events.
- In person Energy Fairs for 2023 will be held on Dec 2, 9 and 16. We will be taking our ‘one-stop shopping’ events on the road to share winter preparedness information with New Yorkers in person. These energy fairs will allow consumers an opportunity to .discuss available programs, how they qualify and how they may enroll. Locations and times to be announced at the first virtual workshop and on the website.
- DPS winter-related publications provided free of charge. Copies of these materials are available by using the enclosed ordering form or by ordering directly from the publication link on The webpage also includes digital versions of the publications, which are available to download. We encourage you to distribute these publications by placing them in high traffic areas in your community.
I appreciate . your assistance with reaching. your constituents about this important information. If you have any· questions or would like to discuss-working together to inform consumers about utility issues, please contact Sangeetha Kai las of the Office of Consumer Services by phone at (212) 837-7258 or by e-mail at