In January 2018, a small group of community members met at the Mountain Top Library. Mr. Nate Jones, a community member discussed a vision to establish a non for profit youth forum on the mountain top. He elaborated on the need to provide additional physical activities for the school age students, such as, but not limited to: soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming lessons, youth sport camps, skiing/snowboarding etc.
At the closure of the meeting, the group in attendance decided that we need to construct a steering committee. The steering committee of approximately 8-12 community members would begin the processes of establishing a youth commission. We are looking for dedicated community members who are team oriented to help this process.
* The steering committee is not the actual Youth Commission. The steering committee would complete all the legwork/logistics to make this happen.
If you are interested, please contact Nate Jones via email at All who are interested will be asked to fill out an application. If selected: a background check via Greene County Sheriff’s office will take place.
Thank you!